level playing field
DefinitionEnvironment in which all companies in a given market must follow the same rules and are given an equal ability to compete
(reference: http://www.investorwords.com/2783/level_playing_field.html)
... a world where "economically poor" does not mean "educationally disadvantaged."
(reference: http://www.lpfi.org/)
Level Playing Field, Fairness (in Politics)
In practice, 'fairness' may have a variety of different, contradictory meanings.
Fairness as Equality of Outcome
Arguably, one way to ensure that each party and each candidate is treated fairly is to provide precisely the same opportunities and financial resources to each, irrespective of their size and popularity. The argument for giving all parties and all candidates an equal share of free television time, or financial grants, is that they all require an equal opportunity to put their case to the voters.
Positive Discrimination
It may be argued that 'fairness' demands positive discrimination in favour of new or small parties. According to this interpretation, the major political forces in any society already have ample chances to express themselves. Extra opportunities need, therefore, to be provided to the political outsiders to organize themselves and to put forward their views to the voters.
Fairness Based on Political Support
This involves the principle that small parties and fringe candidates should receive less support than the main ones. This idea may apply to the allocation of time for free electoral broadcasts on television and radio. It may apply also to financial subsidies. For example, it may be argued that only the principal candidates in a presidential election should be expected to debate with each other on national television, or that the large parties should be given more time slots for party political broadcasts than small ones.
(reference: http://www.aceproject.org/main/english/pc/pc21.htm)
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