Sunday, January 15, 2006

Being poor is only a state of mind

the answer to your question is like giving solutions to the nation's woes which is a very complex one.

but let me take a crack on it

for me, being poor is only a state of mind, of not having enough, of fulfilling a never-ending desire to have more than what we already have. this is the rat race which fuels a consumer economy. but isn't it odd for a poor country like the philippines to have the culture of consumption instead of promoting the culture of savings?

most of us think that happiness is obtained by the possessions we bought by spending what we earn. some of us even end in deficit spending.
most of us will ask how can we do that what we earn is not even enough? but if take a closer look we spend a lot on non-essential things.

we need to learn to live within or below our means. we should be frugal in our spending and learn how to "save for rainy days". the money that we save may become sources of cheap capital which those with entrepreneurial mind can tap to produce cheaper products which are competitive in the global market. this will generate employment opportunities.

we will not be able to acquire assets which will give us passive income if we don't have any savings.

what we need in the philippines is a cultural revolution. the change should start from within. i believe the solution is more psychological (individual) than sociological (collective).

many will say, "dapat ganito, dapat ganoon" but never lifts a finger to change one's self. it's unfortunate that most of us do not practice what we preach and do not walk the talk.

let's ask ourselves, are we part of the solution or part of the problem? do we continue to discuss, argue and debate on these issues or we start talking less and doing more? let's ask ourselves what is our contribution to the society we belong?

i hope that we are not using this egroup as a mere extension of "huntahan" (english translation: unproductive sharing)

let's learn from each other and do something even in our own little ways. for at the end of the day, the little things that we do are much much better than just doing nothing.

let's do it, folks!


(posted in pwedenabook egroup)

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